Snail Bistro

 Do Polish people eat snails? Do Snails Farms exist in Poland?

xGrzegorz_Skalmowski_Pan_Slimak.jpg.pagespeed.ic.KBqUclwAMR.webpIt's still not so much popular in Poland to eat snails. Is more popular to use them in the cosmetic business. Although, in recent years, snail farming has been one of the most popular and very profitable businesses in Poland. Molluscs bought abroad go mainly to France and the USA. Polish snails owe their popularity due to the high-quality, tasty meat.

It is estimated that there are currently several hundred snail farms in Poland. A real pioneer in their breeding is Grzegorz Skalmowski.
He runs a Bistro and manufacture cosmetics.

Culinary Tourism [Turystyka Kulinarna - BISTRO ŚLIMAKA] and Training.
He is called "The king of snails", or "Mr. Snail". He is the originator and co-author of the book "Ślimaka culinary journey", a book on which 64 best chefs in Poland worked, and which received a culinary Oscar at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. And he is the protagonist of Wajda Studio film production "Ślimaki" [Snails] directed by Grzegorz Szczepaniak.